Do you have a question that one of the boys may be able to answer? Concentrate, and
decide which of the wireless boys you'd like to receive insight from.
To help you decide, let's meet the boys:
Ready to ask your question?
Concentrate and.....
Ask Jack||Ask Harry||
Ask Thomas||Ask Cyril
Disclaimer: This site is meant to be fun and is for entertainment purposes only.
I literally ADORE the boys and have done a lot of historical research into their lives,
not to mention being in contact with their family members. If you would care to read
something more about the wireless boys, I invite you to you visit the
Shack of the
Titanic Heroes website. I run the shack. Keeping their memories alive any way I can.
Jack Phillips--
The oldest and most experienced of the wireless boys at age 25.
Jack is Jack. Don't you dare call him "John"!
Watch it--he has a mouth on him.
Harold Bride--At age 22, he's shy but lights up
around his good friends.His answers usually contain
a one-liner or barb. Known as "Harry" to the rest of the boys.
Harold Cottam--At age 21, he's been a wireless operator for 4 years now.
Perpetually "eager, alert, and keen", his answers tend to ramble
but the story telling is top-notch! (All of the above adjectives are
synonyms for "bright eyed"--very telling!) Known as "Thomas" to the rest of the boys.
Cyril Evans--The youngest of the wireless boys at age 20. He's not close to
the others. They are all acquainted but that's about it. Cyril's family is
from Germany so you can think in TWO languages for him.
Like what you see? Feel free to
Email me with any comments, questions or suggestions.